
Luray Friends Meeting Lending Library

Thanks largely to the generous donation of books by Susan Kaul of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, with additional books donated by Louise Williams of Homewood Friends Meeting and Cory Winslow and Lauren Canaday of Luray Friends Meeting, we offer a free lending library to those who attend Luray Friends Meeting. In order to borrow a book, please email us at with your contact information and the name of the book which you request. Once your request has been received, you may pick up your book at the next gathering of Luray Friends Meeting. Please limit requests to one book at a time, and return each book in a timely fashion. Feel free to select from the list of books below:

Quaker Books Lending Library List

Quaker Organizations

QuakerSpeak - A video series focusing on the Religious Society of Friends

Vegetarian Friends - Articles and recipes by Quaker vegetarians

Quaker Universalist Voice - Website dedicated to Universalist Friends

Friends General Conference  - Articles and other resources on Quakerism - General information on Quakerism

What Canst Thou Say? - A quarterly periodical on areas of interest to Friends

Quaker Meetings

Valley Friends Meeting - A Quaker meeting in Dayton, Virginia

Homewood Friends Meeting - A Quaker meeting in Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore Yearly Meeting  - A regional yearly meeting including most of Virginia, the portion of Maryland west of the Chesapeake Bay, central Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and parts of West Virginia.  

Other Organizations

Mindrolling Lotus Garden - A Buddhist center in nearby Stanley, Virginia

Love Serve Remember Foundation - A website dedicated to the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba and Ram Dass.

Luray Friends Meeting Pages

Luray Friends Meeting Facebook Page